I've got 22 years of being a Kristin Hersh fan that I could write about.
I could write about all the various ways that Throwing Muses songs saved my life during a few crucial years of my youth.
I could write about the first magical concert I attended at the old 9:30 Club: Hugo Largo opening for Throwing Muses in the fall of 1987. I followed my friend Wolfgang's roommates to the concert. (I have no idea why Wolfgang didn't go to the concert as well, especially since he was one of many people that hipped me to the Muses in the first!)
But, for now, I just want to post a link to the CASH Music website which offers a new business model for musicians.
One of the benefits of this is that fans can buy the latest Kristin Hersh album for a donation via Paypal.com and I -- as always -- highly recommend anything she releases.
The link is here.
Here's hoping there's another 50 Foot Wave release in the near future!