After continually getting lost on my way home from the Causeway Bay MTR station each night, I decided to draw myself a little map today. This map is the sort of thing that reads:
"Turn left at the Nestle sign after the overpass near Charlene Choi billboard..."
Hong Kong is a place where one can easily be at the right place but still totally lost -- nothing more frustrating than leaving the right MTR station from the wrong exit!
Cat washing itself or another Chinese dragon?

Then I hit the wonderful Toast Box. Peanut butter toast -- sliced into squares! -- milk tea, and two fried eggs for about $4.00 US!

I had to get a 2nd milk tea though!

I decided to not wander too far today since I'm going to the movies later so I just picked Fortress Hill on a whim.
I wandered around and *think* that I ended up in North Point -- hard for me to know the exact difference as a wandering tourist. I saw the Tung Po Building which I think is where the Tung Po Restaurant is that YTSL introduced me and Dave to last time around.
So, I stumbled into a shopping complex in an office building in the hopes of finding a cheap watch and found a secondhand DVD shop -- I think a few people had mentioned there were a few of these in this area.
What a jackpot!

Everything there only added up to about $40 US total. Not only that, but I've got a spare copy of Hong Kong Rhapsody!
I then hit a few more shops and found a few other goodies but nothing quite as momentous as that batch.