Those Sunderland lads -- no, not The Futureheads! -- have done it again; new single "Tender" isn't out until 19 April but the video is on YouTube and it's below.
Now, the industrious reader of this blog could find some Frankie and The Heartstrings free MP3s 'round these parts if he or she was so inclined to look. That's all I'm saying.
The production of new single "Tender" by Mr. Pete Gofton -- he of Kenickie and some solo stuff like the splendid George Washington Brown (the poignant track "A Guess, Rewind" is conveniently the free download on that link) -- is impressive. The vocals and instruments are sharp and defined and those semi-retro backing vocals that pop-in near the end are quite nice. Word has it that the mix is by James Ford (Arctic Monkeys, The Klaxons, Florence and The Machine).
Badly produced indie has never been my thing and this track is damn good Brit indie done with a high degree of professionalism; I half-expected to see the boys in matching suits or something in that video!
There's an early 1980's Factory vibe there with a decidedly mid-1980s upbeat feel to the rest of the track.
You can check out the band's website for more information on the single.
Frankie and The Heartstrings "Tender"