That's why.
I mean, I haven't done that many Cherie Chung posts have I?
And, by my count, this is the first Cherie Chung post in 2011 for me. So, new year and all that.
Seriously, the real reason is that I found 5 more Cherie films that I had never seen on my last trip to Hong Kong.
The bad news is that The Story of Woo Viet (1981) didn't have English subtitles on the DVD even though the very helpful clerk at the HMV in Central assured me that it did. Okay. It was super cheap and the picture quality was ATROCIOUS so no big loss except that I really wanted to see that film.

So this week -- following today's introduction -- will consist of 4 Cherie films I had not seen until now, and a revisit to 3 of her older films.
As always, I'm thankful for Dennis Lee's work over at the Roast Pork Sliced From A Rusty Cleaver blog as he always seems to manage to find links to new Cherie Chung news stories.
And those stories always have photos that make the one-time queen of Hong Kong cinema just as radiant now as she was 25 years ago.