Following on from my review yesterday of their wonderful new album, False Beats and True Hearts, I'm reminding everyone that Damon and Naomi are playing The Red Palace in Washington, D.C. tomorrow (18 June 2011) night!
AOL is streaming the whole album today. Check out False Beats and True Hearts here on AOL Spinner.
Word from the street is that Michio Kurihara will not be touring with the band due to a stolen passport. However, Alasdair Maclean, of Amor de Dias and The Clientele, will be sitting in on electric guitar.
Download an MP3 of "Walking Backwards" here.
You can buy False Beats and True Hearts from Amazon US on CD here or on vinyl here.
Follow Damon and Naomi on their own lovely website.
You can also follow them on the 20-20-20 Records label website here.
Check out the video for Nettles and Ivy from Haden Guest, the Director of the Harvard Film Archive, and Argentine film-maker Lisandro Alonso