Yes, there were 3 bands on the bill tonight at Comet Ping Pong but I missed most of The Mean Ideas' set due to various factors.
And let me say this: while the venue is cool and the staff friendly, I was a bit perplexed to find that the kitchen closed at 10:30, even on a bustling Friday night.
Silly me! I didn't eat dinner before the gig. Nothing worse that watching pizzas you can't have shuffle past you on platters to diners who got their orders in under the wire.
Anyway, on to the awesomeness!
Deathfix is a local supergroup, as others have noted, featuring Devin Ocampo from Faraquet on drums, Richard Morel on keyboard and vocals, and ex-Fugazi drummer Brendan Canty on vocals and guitar. There was another guy in the band and I'm sorry that I didn't get his name. Tonight's gig was only the 2nd live gig from Deathfix and the tunes were tight in spots and then spacious and jazzy in others. The players were all exceptional, as you can imagine, and the band will soon be a major draw in D.C. in the near future.
They are headlining The Black Cat next Wednesday, 14 December.
My pictures didn't turn out too good but for you Fugazi fans, that's Brendan Canty with the blonde hair in my blurry pic.
The Jet Age's Eric Tischler: A boy and his effects pedals...
"Getting in tune to the straight and narrow..."
Performing most of Domestic Disturbances, The Jet Age delivered a tight set that left plenty of room for sound-and-fury.
Drummer Pete Nuwayser was a madman on the skins, combining the loose and unpredictable edge of Keith Moon with the force of John Bonham, while bassist Greg Bennett held things together with jazzy runs that recalled Geezer Butler.
As Eric unleashed sheets of noise punctuated by blues-y solos, my friend leaned over and whispered/shouted: "Blue Cheer!" into my ear. He might be onto something there.
Some new cuts tonight sounded more like The Who than they do on the record. And while I wasn't hearing the shoegazer element before when I cranked the CD, I did appreciate that reference while watching these guys play live.
A corrosive and exhilarating "Left For Dead" -- dedicated to yours truly from the mic! Eric, you are too, too kind! -- soared and roared with more Who-like fury than the version on the record. And "Change I Can Believe In" sounded a bit more like the Gang of Four in this live version than the album cut.
My friend and I kind of liked the fact that The Jet Age expanded on what's committed to tape. While Domestic Disturbances has a nice live feel -- like the Dot Dash debut produced by Tischler -- it was cool to hear bits expanded, more riffage in spots, and a sense that one was hearing more than just a live version of a record.
Some rockstars have cool wives. Eric plays and the very charming Mrs. Tischler captures the moment for posterity...
More pics of Eric Tischler, Pete Nuwayser, and Greg Bennett -- The Jet Age!
Domestic Disturbances from The Jet Age is out 12 January 2012 from Sonic Boomerang Records. More details on the band's official web page.

"I'm An Agent" (excerpt) from The Jet Age
"Sometimes" (excerpt) from The Jet Age