Royal Headache Drop Video For "Girls"

These guys just do it for me. I mean, they really just manage to capture a punky and poppy energy that I can't quite define. There was this obscure band on Geffen about 15 years ago called Hunk and Royal Headache remind me a tiny bit of them.

The Royal Headache album is out now on What's Your Rupture? and I urge you to get it. Buzzcocks-meet-Green Day? I don't know what to say about the record. It's just a helluva listen and a lot of fun.

"Girls" is one of the shorter cuts on the record but it charms even as its power-punk blast punches you in the gut. Dig it below.

The guys are hitting the US for a tour now. Details can be found on their Facebook page.

"Girls" from Royal Headache