It's Time To Dig The Rockin' Sounds Of Argentina's Panda Elliot

I wish I had taken Spanish again after 3rd grade 'cause I'd love to know what Panda Elliot is singing about on the highly rockin' tracks on her new album Forastera. One listen to supremely catchy "Avanzo" made me a fan of this relatively new artist. For all the spark and fire of that track and the following "Velociraptor", there are other moods at work here on the record. "Marmol" is acoustic and built around a near-ska riff. I dug that one a lot too. And "Puentes" charms like late-period Cardigans.

If you want to hear these tunes for yourself, got to the Bandcamp link below and check them out and download them while you can.

For more on Panda Elliot take a look at her official Facebook page.