I've written some faintly negative reviews of Moon Duo releases in the past but I think with the newest offering from the pair, Stars are the Light, out on Sacred Bones on Friday, the musicians have finally offered up something I can enjoy with a straight face. On earlier releases, the duo's ironic (I hope) embrace of dated forms, and pretentious lyrics doomed the act to being one that probably only a handful of hipsters could pretend to enjoy. With Stars are the Light, the music and lyrics are just right, and the overall effect is one that's fairly straightforward for a change.
Sure, Moon Duo are still obsessed with past forms of synth-pop, as evidenced by the Eighties-influenced title cut, and "Fall (In Your Love)", a fairly successful, lanky number. Elsewhere, "Lost Heads" sounds like it owes a debt or two to both New Order and Chris & Cosey, while "Eternal Shore" uses keyboards to get at the same sort of territory old acid rock pioneers once explored. The best selection on Stars are the Light, seems to me to be "Eye 2 Eye", a cut that wouldn't have sounded entirely out of place on Evil Heat from Primal Scream. The number is rougher than lots of what's here, and, for once, Moon Duo seem to be genuinely full of bad intent, not just the ironic sort of thing their old albums hinted at.
Stars are the Light is out on Friday via Sacred Bones Records.
More details on Moon Duo via the band's official website, or official Facebook page.
[Photo: Brett Johnson]