We Made It: A Brief Review Of The New Album From Circa Waves

Liverpool outfit Circa Waves have been making bright, radio-friendly Britpop for a decade now. While that is a loaded term, the tunes of this group echo stuff like Maximo Park and The Killers more than anything from the era of Gallagher and Albarn having it out. Death & Love Pt. 1, out this week, is full of song after song that sounds like it was made to be a big hit. For those of us who've been here since "Movies", that shouldn't be such a surprise.

Things open on the slightly ominous "American Dream" before "Like You Did Before" soars into the atmosphere. Kieran Shudall's yearning croon fuels this one's hooks, and even better is the anthemic "We Made It". That one while as bright as it is can't help but make one wonder if the "Made It" refers to singer Shudall himself who had some heart-health scares recently. While perhaps personal, the track is a ringing affirmation of all the strengths of this lot. For all their prowess at the big tunes, "Blue Damselfly" reveals a softer side of the band. Smartly realized, this surprising down-tempo gem is as much of a winner as the obvious singles on this record.

Circa Waves have ambition and I dig how their music has the spirit of that of earlier eras in British rock. There's no shame in aiming for the skies. and Circa Waves continue to have a knack for the large gesture, and the giant hook. Still, for anything here that seems made for a stadium or festival crowd, there are moments that keep this band grounded, and their music as distinctly pleasing as ever.

Death & Love Pt. 1 by Circa Waves is out tomorrow. More details on Circa Waves via the official website. Circa Waves are playing in D.C. on April 19 at the 930 Club.

[Photo: Polocho]